
CSA stands for Consumer Supported Agriculture. Personally, I think participating in a CSA farm program is the most direct way to connect with the source of our food. We don't have very many farms offering this option in our area. But, I think there is a trend for more.
When you join a CSA, you usually pay a flat fee at the beginning of the year, in the winter. Then, on a certain day each week, for a set period of time, usually from June through October, you pick up a bag or box of fresh picked, organic vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs, all grown at "your" local, family farm. Some offer eggs, and other farm products. The idea is that you are buying a "share" in the farm. You receive your "share" of the food products throughout the season. In this way, the consumer shares the risks and joys of farming with the farmer.
Each farm offers a different sized share, with different prices and extra options. Just looking at prices doesn't offer an accurate comparison. Location is, of course, a very important consideration. Consider sharing pick up duties with neighbors or friends. If a share of your closest farm is a large one, you might share it with a friend. Call or email the farms in your region and ask for more information. We have not included prices, or details. At the time of this writing, November, many farmers don't yet know exactly what they will offer next year. To the best of my knowledge, all of these farmers use organic practices, although many are not certified.
Is someone missing? Please send us any corrections or additions at info@slowfoodskagit.org. Help us keep these listings as complete and accurate as possible.
Thank you.
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Whidbey Island
North Snohomish and Camano Island
Happy Little Farm
Casey and Shelley Schoenberger
18385 Torset Road, Conway, WA 98273
June through October, Boxes are available for pick-up on Thursdays, at the farm.
A variety of fresh vegetables and fruits with recipes and cooking tips.
(CSA only - no other outlet)
Hedlin Family Farm
Serena Campbell or Dave Hedlin
12052 Chilberg Road, La Conner, WA
Offers a short season, a long season, or a fall season, as well as 1/2 share or full share.
There are various pick up locations, including Hedlin Family Farm Stand at the traffic circle near La Conner, Island Hospital in Anacortes, Mount Vernon Farmers Market, and Bellevue Farmers Market. June through October. Organic and pesticide free.
(Farm Stand, open April through October. Mount Vernon Farmers Market)
Gaia Rising Farm
7389 Chestnut lane
Anacortes WA 98221
Gaia Rising Farm is now offering shares in the storage crops that will be harvested in the fall of 2011.Our aim is to provide as much as possible towards our members yearly food needs. Soon we will also be offering shares for fall and winter vegetables.
A big part of what we are working on is diversity. Diversity of crop types and diversity of varieties is important for a more secure food supply. If one crop or variety fails because of weather or disease another might do well, This year we are growing 13 varieties of potatoes, 2 or 3 varieties of corn and 9 types of beans.
Hart’s Farm and Homestead
Now is the time to start thinking about being a CSA member with us. We are starting out small and are able to work with you on special requests and interests. Please consider helping us with our season as we help you with fresh healthy produce!
If you sign up before April 1st you get an additional seasonal discount of 10%. 5% if you purchase by May 1st. Which can be used on special orders (canning?) or at our market booth.
Highwater Farm
Certified organic. Farm Pickup. Full or half share.
Danielle & Jeff
21135 Francis Rd
Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Jericho Farm
Rebecca Morse
7606 NE Cape Horn Road, Concrete
360-826-3046 - jericho00@yahoo.com
June through October, pick up at the farm. Non-certified organic.
(Concrete Farmers Market)
Klesick Family Farm
from Everett to Anacortes - to your door
Tristan Klesick
24101 Miller Road, Stanwood, WA 98292
360-629-5350 or 866-629-5350
Year round, weekly delivery to your door. All organic products, but not all local.
Lake Cavanaugh Farm
Martha Goodlett & Becky Brown
27998 Lake Cavanaugh Road, Mount Vernon
360-422-7706 -
June through mid-October, pick up at the farm, or in Seattle.
(Farm Stand mid-June through September, Friday 4:30 - 7 & Saturday 9-1)
New Earth Farms
A social enterprise of Tierra Nueva
Larry Rogers
East end of McLean Rd.
Mount Vernon, Washington 98273
New Earth Gardens is part of the recovery branch of Tierra Nueva, a non-profit organization based in Burlington, WA. The gardens work with young men coming out of substance abuse. We use french-intensive growing practices, offering half and whole shares from June to October, in a 20 week season. We offer on-site pick up on Friday afternoon to Saturday morning. We also offer direct-trade, locally roasted coffee. Your patronage helps support our work with with men, women, youth from the jail and juvenile detention.
Patterned Ground Farm
part of Viva Farms
WA 20 & Higgins Airport Way
CSA is 20 weeks, June - October, pick up or delivery.
Also offer a Buying Club and sell at the Bow Little Market.
Matt & Gina
Riversong Farm
Christie Stewart Stein
16384 Donnelly Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
20 week season, June through October. Tuesday or Friday pick up days, at the farm. Members are welcome to visit the animals and enjoy the setting. Seasonal potluck gatherings add to the social aspect of participation. Fresh picked vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. Eggs and salad mix are also available. Subscriptions open to new members in mid-February. Certified Organic.
(CSA only - no other outlets)
Viva Farms CSA
WA 20 & Higgins Airport Way
Season: June 21th to Dec (20 or 25 week options).
In the true spirit of cooperation, Viva Farms partners with Growing Washington to offer customers in Skagit and Whatcom the first total choice CSA box that supports dozens of new farmers and two great organizations that are un-paving the way for the next generation of sustainable food producers.
This CSA offers customers a variety of choices, box sizes, pick-up points and, most importantly, the best locally grown food that farmers in Skagit and Whatcom County have to offer!
Farm boxes can be picked up at Viva Farms and workplace pick-up sites throughout Skagit County. Please email if you’d like to host a new pick-up site!
cell 206-914-7948 / 360-707-3223
Director, Viva Farms (www.VivaFarms.org, a project of www.GrowFood.org)
Regional Coordinator, WSU Latino Farming Program
Waxwing Farm
Waxwing Farm is a Certified Organic CSA and market farm in south Mount Vernon, WA.
We, Taylor and Arielle, grow 30+ varieties of vegetables, and sell them through our on farm pickup CSA, and at the Everett Farmers Market. Our CSA offers full and bi-weekly shares, both of which include access to our u-pick flower patch and choice and optionality each week. Enjoy the opportunity to experience where your food is grown, picked up by you on the day we harvest it. We are committed to bringing you the highest quality Skagit Valley Grown produce. We can't wait to grow for you!
Taylor and Arielle
16665 Britt Road
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Bell's Farm - 892 West Beach Rd. - New in 2019. Bell’s Farm is offering a CSA with pickup at their farm and at the Country Store (formerly Cenex) in Oak Harbor. PPhone: 360-678-4808. Web: www.bells-farm.com. Email: bellsfarmandstorage@gmail.com
Deep Harvest Farm
Annie Jesperson & Nathaniel Talbot (both OFS alumni)
Pick-ups in Freeland and Bayview. Web: www.deepharvestfarm.com
Full Cycle Farm - 3464 Quade Rd., weekdays and some weekends - March through December - vegetables, fruits, flowers, plant starts, eggs, holiday wreaths. www.fullcyclefarm.com. Contact Britt & Eric Conn at wiseearth247@gmail.com.Healthy Living Buyers Club 1902 Zylstra Rd., Oak Harbor, WA 98277, Web: www.hlbuyersclub.co
12 Birches Farm
Anna Petersons
Pick-up north of Clinton, Web: www.12birchesfarm.com
Full Cycle Farm
Britt & Eric Conn
Pick-up in Maxwelton Valley
Farm Stand too! Web: www.fullcyclefarm.com
Organic Farm School - 6390 Maxwelton Rd. Clinton. Growing farmers, food and community. Farm Stand Thurs & Fri. May 2nd thru Oct. 25th 10-5. Diverse certified organic vegetables. Aaron Varadi, aaron@organicfarmschool.org, organicfarmschool.org.
Prairie Bottom Farm
Wilbur & Julieanna Purdue
Pick-up in Coupeville
Farm Stand too! Web: www.prairiebottomfarm.com
Rosehip Farm & Garden
Linda Bartlett
Pick-up in Coupeville
Farm Stand too! Web: rosehipfarmandgarden.com Rosehip is offering a unique CSA. For an annual price, you can go to the farm and choose whatever vegetables they have available. The cost of the vegetables are deducted from your annual total each week.
Shipki Farm
Manuel Sereno
Pick-up at their farm or at the NW Language Institute
Farm Stand Too! Web: www.shipkifarm.com
Skyroot Farm Pick up from their farm at 7297 Bailey Rd., Clinton. For more info email wheat@skyrootfarmcom or go to their website at www.skyrootfarm.com
Freshly Doug Vegetables
Charlene Byde - 425-220-3903
Certified organic produce. Stanwood-based producer participates in CSA with weekly deliveries. July through the end of September. Sign-ups prior to the season.
Garden Treasures
3328 State Route 530, Arlington, 98223, 360-435-9272, 360-435-9274
Mark and Patricia Lovejoy grow and sell certified organic produce (mixed greens, heirloom tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, carrots, head lettuce, many more) at their farm stand. U-pick strawberries and raspberries. They grow on 6 acres and in a 5,000 square food greenhouse. Also have natural foods, a garden center and a gift shop. They participate in a CSA program with weekly pick-ups. Certified Tilth Farm of Washington and Snohomish County. (Seasonal farm stand)
Klesick Family Farm
from Everett to Anacortes - to your door
Tristan Klesick
24101 Miller Road, Stanwood, WA 98292
360-629-5350 or 866-629-5350
Year round, weekly delivery to your door. All organic products, but not all local.
Ninety Farms
Linda Neunzig
22912 Sixty Seventh Avenue North East, Arlington, WA 98223
June through October, pick up at the farm.
Shambala Farms
395E North Camano Drive,
Camano Island, WA 98282
360 387 4110.
We offer weekly pick-up of farm-fresh produce boxes. Grown without the use of chemicals and with the love of integrated community in mind, Shambala Farm Fruits and Veggies will nourish your family through the summer. Special local feature included weekly, 18 weeks, $395.
Osprey Hill Farm
5800 Saxon Road
Acme, WA 98220
Our CSA harvest boxes are the next best thing to growing your own.
Picked fresh from the field and delivered to one of our convenient pick-up locations in town or one of our county locations. If you’ve got the gumption, get five friends or co-workers together and we’ll deliver to your neighborhood or place of work. We offer a full selection of your favorite in-season fruits and vegetables plus farm-fresh eggs and poultry, too. Experience the season with us & support the tradition of sustainable family farms.
Click here for all the details!
Uprising Organics
Crystine Goldberg & Brian Campbell
This CSA is geared toward serving those on fixed incomes. They accept EBT/Food stamps to allow those who do not have lump sums to pay weekly with their EBT card.
Drop offs in Bellingham and Whatcom County.