bring a friend to the farmers market

bring a friend to the farmers market
As Farmers Market shoppers, you know the pleasures of gathering with your community to buy fresh, local food, while getting to know your local food producers. Yet, we all know people who haven't yet discovered this wonderful experience.
The health and security of our communities depend on MORE FOOD GROWING NEAR MORE PEOPLE. Many of us take the very important step of growing some of our own food, for ourselves, family, and neighbors.
But, gardener or not, we must ALL support our local small scale food producers, so that they thrive and increase, to produce more food for everyone in our communities. We stop at farm stands, enjoy the Farmers Market every week, buy local products we find at area stores, and join CSAs. What more can we do?
As we encourage more farmers to grow more food in our communities, we need more people to discover the pleasures of buying from them. It is time to broaden the base of support for local small scale food producers to KEEP OUR FARMERS GROWING.
So let's all BRING A FRIEND TO THE FARMERS MARKET! Invite someone to join you when you go to your local farmers market. You will enjoy each other's company and bring a new customer to the market. Maybe they will become regulars, too, and bring a friend of their own next time.
Share ideas, share recipes, share resources, spread the word. It's easy, it's fun, it's good for the community, and it's good for the wonderful folks who grow our food. This is a friendly, positive way to support our local farmers, and increase the amount of food growing in our communities.
Call a neighbor, friend, family member, or acquaintance, and ask them if they'd like to go with you next time you go to your local Farmers Market.
Thank you. Carol Havens - Slow Food Skagit River Salish Sea
(Here's a short version to share - maybe your fb status or twitter?)
***BRING A FRIEND TO THE FARMERS MARKET! Invite someone to go with you the next time you go to your local farmers market. Enjoy each other's company - and bring a new customer to support our local farmers. It's easy and it's fun to KEEP OUR FARMERS GROWING!